We Bring The GellyBall Party To Your Backyard Or Other Venue! Perfect For Birthday Parties!
Mobile GellyBall
Are you ready for the next revolution in Shooting Sports?
Have you been searching for “birthday party ideas near me” or “unique party ideas near me?” Well, search no more! GellyBall 12+ is the perfect party idea for all occasions and ages – from age 12 to eighty-five! Especially when we bring the party to you with our mobile GellyBall parties! We can currently book parties for six to eighteen people!
Lacking trees in your backyard? No problem – we can bring GellyBall bunker items with us. GellyBall beads are non-toxic, biodegradable, and won’t harm your kids, pets, lawn, or trees.

Super Package
Up to 10 Gel Blasters
40000 Gelly balls
1.5 Hours of Games Play
8 Inflatable bunkers
IPS Vests
Battle Field setup
Game Operator
Ultra Package
Up to 14 Gel Blasters
50000 Gelly balls
2 Hours of Games Play
10 Inflatable bunkers
IPS Vests
Battle Field setup
Game Operator
Mega Package
Up to 20 Gelly Blasters
70000 Gelly balls
2 Hours of Games Play
14 Inflatable bunkers
IPS Vests
Battle Field setup
Game Operator
GellyBall wars are great for kids of all ages! We get requests for GellyBall games for company team building events, bachelor parties, school outings, block parties and more. No matter what your event is, we can bring our equipment to your location. And since GellyBalls make no mess, they can be done in company warehouses, parking lots, and any backyard!

Games you can play
This is a 2 team game of touch tag. Up to 10 Players on each team wear a vest with the light puck attached to the front. There are two different game play modes to choose from:
1. Teams have 2 minutes to tag their color lights (Red team and Green Team).
2. Teams can play a game of tag and count by hits (25/50/100) : the first team to reach the selected amount of hits wins. The digital score board keeps score to see who the winner is.
-Corporate team building events
-School or university fundraisers
-Birthday parties for kids and adults
-Sports team bonding activities
-Church or youth group gatherings
-Holiday celebrations
-College or university social events
-Nonprofit organization events
-Summer camp programs for children and teenagers
and more! GellyBall is fun for everyone, and all ages.

Gelly Ball Rules
Masks must be worn at all times during play. Anyone breaking this rule get one warning and must sit out the rest of the game. A second violation prohibits the player from any other games.
When you are hit anywhere on your body, raise your gun straight up and call yourself out. Hit players should head to the Game Boss with gun up.
No sliding, diving or barrel rolls. While you may think you are as cool as the movie Matrix, it gets people hurt and could break the equipment.
No jumping over or on bunkers. Someone could be on the other side or again the equipment could be damaged.
Our GellyBall blasters are ready for play when handed to you. No adjusting, taking apart, pushing buttons or adjusting any stocks.
No shooting before or after the game. Shooting is ONLY allowed during game play.
Gellyball is always weather pending.
We do not play in the rain or when the grass is wet due to it being slippery.
Please, read F.A.Q GellyBall for more information.